
School law allows personnel to assist students required to take medication during school hours. We will administer the medication in school if:

•  It is not possible for the medication to be given at home

•  There is no other alternative

•  Is actually necessary for your child to have medication during school hours.

However, we must observe precautions, which will be in the best interest of both your child’s health and the health of other children.

1. Long-term (continuing) medication, requests must be written on the District medication forms. The parent/guardian and the physician must sign the forms. This request is valid for the current school year. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter medications. The medications must be brought to the school in its original container labeled with:

     a) Name of the student

     b) Prescribing Physician

     c) Name of the Drug

     d) Pharmacy ( for over the counter medication, in its original container)

     e) Dosage

     f) Frequency ( exact time to be given)

     g) Expiration Date

2. Short-term (two weeks or less) medication requests may be written on a physician’s prescription pad and must be accompanied by the district parental request form. The prescription must be signed and dated within the preceding two-week period.

3. Over-the-counter medication will be given only if prescribed or recommended by a physician or dentist. If it is not in writing, school personnel will not administer it. Over-the counter medication must be in the original sealed container when brought to the school office.

4. All medications are to be brought to the school office by a parent or guardian in the original container properly labeled. The name of the medication on the bottle or container must match exactly the name of the medication on the physician’s authorization. No medication will be administered from a plastic bag or unmarked container.

5. The school secretary/clerk will keep a copy of all authorizations for medications given on campus on file.

6. A parent or guardian must pick up discontinued or unused medications by the end of the school year. NO unused medications will be sent home with a child. The District will dispose of all medication(s) not picked up by the parent/guardian.

Please click the link below to print the medication form for staff to administer medication to your child, this form must be filled out by the doctor, and returned to your child’s school office.

Parent Release for Administering Medicine

Students may also carry medications with parent/guardian and doctor approval (i.e. inhalers).  The “Consent to carry medication,” form must be filled out completely with a parent and doctor’s signature and turned into the office.  Please click below to print the medication form for your student to carry his/her own medication, this form must be signed by a doctor and returned to your child’s school.

Consent to Carry Medication


If your student requires an Epi-Pen for severe food allergy or bee/wasp sting allergy please have your doctor complete the appropriate action plan form.  This is in addition to one of the above medication forms. Parent should then sign the form and return to your child’s school office.  

Food Allergy Action Plan

Bee/Wasp Sting Action Plan